We were invited to go to the "Sister's Folk Festival"with the Inlaws mid September. A well needed break. One look at the view from the cabin we stayed in and all of our stress melted away!

Even Murphy enjoyed the view! There's nothing like mountain air to clear the mind!

I just love the high desert, the air is crisp and dry and every where you turn there is a surprise!

Check out sistersfolkfestival.org for next years venue. The music is fabulous and it's all set in the cute little town of Sisters. A great way to spend a Fall Weekend!

A great place to eat is Bronco Billy's, check out the belts the waitress get to wear! I'm jealous!

What's not to love about the local cowboys? This one had the best handlebar mustache! Tom Selleck would be jealous!

But my favorite cowboy is, the love of my life here serenading me with a little "Home on the Range" Does it get any better than this?